Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why Do I Workout?

I have worked out for a lot of different reasons along the way. I think my first reason was for basketball. I have always wanted to dunk, I still want to dunk. I want to be quick, I want to be strong, and I want(ed) to be the best. When I got to college I wanted to workout to get more girls. At all times I am pretty sure I wanted a six pack, but I don't think I have consciously thought that's what I wanted until maybe my junior year of college.

I am a little older now, at least out of college for a while, and now I am not sure any more what I workout for. I can only assume that I want to workout because I don't want to feel like a slug and because I want to have a six pack. I am running out of things I want to workout for. I don't play ball any more, not by choice, I just don't have anyone to play with. I am not trying to pick up girls any more. So all I have left is my six pack dreams, my want to dunk, and not being a slug.

I'll start with the dunking. I am 5'10". I have read way too many articles, watched too many videos, and not done enough to get where I wanted to be. I am not sure if I am physically capable of being able to or not, but I am willing to find out. Some people say anyone can dunk, some say that some people just can't. I do not know which category that I fall into, but I am hoping that I am in the former.

Over the holidays I watched some people try to get out of their chair. They grunted and groaned, and it took them way longer than I ever want to take to get out of a chair. While I am not trying to pick up girls or anything like that, it doesn't mean that I want to let myself go and, like I have said, look like a thug. If nothing else, I want to be able to run around with kids, still play sports when I want to, and be able to get up off the floor or a chair without losing my breath.

The six pack. I have wrote about the six pack before, and I am sure I will write about it more. I know fitness and health and everything isn't about a six pack, but what man doesn't want one. I am no exception to that. I look in the mirror and I see like a half of a 2 pack. I know that makes a 1 pack, but that isn't what it is. I can see the line running from my chest to what would be the first of my abs. The top two aren't overly defined, but you can see them, so that is at least a place to start. I really want to be able to look into a mirror and see a 6,8, or 10 pack, I'll even take a 4 pack, and the rest of my 2 pack.

I have read countless articles, OK, maybe not countless, but at least a couple that have said you shouldn't use vanity as a reason to work out. I will be writing a more in depth article on that, but for not, we'll just say you shouldn't. I am going to try to not use that as my motivation and instead going to try and use wanting to dunk, doing a triathlon, and not being a slug as my reasons to workout.

365 Fit for life!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Weight and What Not

I currently weigh 198 lbs. after a successful weekend of eating. This puts my BMI at a nice 28.4. That puts me at about 1 point away from being obese. That sucks. According to the BMI gods, I should have a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. That puts my weight range, to be healthy, between 129 to 174. That is a huge range. I can't even imagine myself at 130 lbs. I don't think that I have weighed that since I was like 10 or 12 or something like that. I haven't even consistently weighed 175 since like freshman ish year of college. I would like to be somewhere in the 165 range when this is all said and done. For now, though, I would be happy to be back in my 190 range.

I guess that sums up my weight goals. I'll be talking about my other goals in a later post.

*Also, I know that BMI is not the end all be all indicator of how healthy you are, nor should you rely on it to track all of your progress. I just used it because it gives you a general sort of overall idea of what is going on. If we only used BMI to gauge fitness, I think I heard that Micheal Jordan would be considered obese.

365 Fit for life.