Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tuesday June 3rd Quick Tip

Get dressed.

It has been said that if you feel unmotivated or depressed or sad or whatever negative feeling that you are feeling at the moment can help to be alleviated by getting dressed. That does not mean just throw on the same pair of sweats that you have been schlumping on for the last week and a half. It means put on some clothes that make you feel good. Granted you might not have anything that will make you feel good, but give it your best effort. If you need to and can afford it, then go out and buy yourself something that you will feel good in. That might just be enough to jump start your healthy living.

365 Fit for life

*Disclaimer - I am not encouraging you to buy more clothes if you do not need them, or if you do not have the extra money to afford to be able to spend it. Pay your bills!

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