Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday April 22nd Quick Tip

If you are going to pick up your kids from school, or are just waiting in the car for someone or something, here is a quick tip to help you get in a little mini workout while you wait.

Make sure the car is in park before you start this. Recline your seat all the way back, and do some situps. It doesn't really matter how many you do, just get started and see how many you can do. To add this into your routine, see how many you can do and then try to beat it the next time you are waiting.

Hope that you find this quick tip helpful.


Abimars said...

Wow, I never thought of that and I do quite alot of waiting, I could also do this if my husband is driving me, lol

Abimars said...

Actually no, I can't do it in a moving car got to be strapped in, wonder what I was thinking.